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Speech Therapy

This provides patients with help on relearning how to perform daily duties or improve their speech.
Yeti Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy for seniors is often necessary when recovering from the debilitating consequences of a stroke or dementia. It may also be necessary after a head injury.

The ability to communicate effectively is important at any age, but for seniors it can be absolutely vital. If a senior cannot successfully describe what they need, where they hurt, or what is wrong in general, an emergency situation can easily occur.

We are here to help when you need us!

If your loved one is having difficulty communicating, there are a number of consequences to ignoring these speech and communication issues. You may need to consider speech therapy services if your loved one:
Has problems requesting items and responding to questions
Experiences difficulty managing their own financial, personal or medical matters
Shows an inability to avoid injury or potentially dangerous situations

Speech therapy for the elderly can help with speech issues due to the natural aging process. As one grows older, vocal cords can become less elastic and larynx muscles can weaken, making it difficult to talk in a manner they are accustomed to. Speech therapy for seniors can help them re-learn how to speak, using vocal exercises to help them communicate effectively once again.

Speech Recovery

Recovering speech after a stroke is possible, especially if treatment is started immediately.  If symptoms last longer than six months, it is unlikely the patient will recover completely.

A speech-language pathologist is trained to focus on speech, language, voice, cognition and swallowing problems within the geriatric population.

Treatment for the elderly after a stroke can include:

Art therapy
Melodic intonation therapy (singing words they cannot speak)
Group therapy and support groups
Trained volunteers
Registered dietician, as needed

Our goal of speech therapy for seniors is to increase functional communication, cognitive skills and teach safe swallowing by introducing diet modifications and special feeding techniques. Yeti’s speech therapy programs may include muscle retraining, compensatory strategies and use of communication devices.

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